Am letzten Juliwochenende war das Diamond Tournament in Tragwein, darauf folgend das Örseg Open in Öriszentpeter in Ungarn.
Beide Turniere machten Spaß und Lust auf mehr. Bei beiden Turnieren habe ich für mich noch Platz zur Verbesserung gesehen und doch bin ich über beide Endplatzierungen zufrieden.
Beobachtungen die ich bei diesen Turnieren gemacht habe: freundlicher Nachbarshund, Gulasch, ein Ass, Büffelgrasvodka, ddc, Vespareifen ohne Luft, zuviele Bogeys. Und zu guter letzt: Gratuliere Eric für die angesagte Aufholjagd!
Falls euch dieser Eintrag zu kurz ist, kann ich nur eins sagen: Tja..
Two tournaments with much delay
Finally another post in this blog! After a longer break I am back to report about my last two tournaments. To all of you who wanted to know about it earlier, I can only say: Oh well..
On the last weekend of july was the Diamond Tournament in Tragwein, followed by the Örseg Open in Öriszentpeter in Hungary.
Both tournaments were fun and made me look forward to more tournaments. At both tournaments I felt like I have space to improve my game but I am satisfied with both finishes.
Some observations i made during these tournaments: friendly neighbourdog, goulash, an ace, bison grass vodka, ddc, a flat tire of a vespa, too many bogeys. Last but not least: Congrats to Eric for a called fightback!
If this post is too short for you, I can only reply: Oh well..
On the last weekend of july was the Diamond Tournament in Tragwein, followed by the Örseg Open in Öriszentpeter in Hungary.
Both tournaments were fun and made me look forward to more tournaments. At both tournaments I felt like I have space to improve my game but I am satisfied with both finishes.
Some observations i made during these tournaments: friendly neighbourdog, goulash, an ace, bison grass vodka, ddc, a flat tire of a vespa, too many bogeys. Last but not least: Congrats to Eric for a called fightback!
If this post is too short for you, I can only reply: Oh well..